Contact Information
Area | Phone | |
General Information | 6076381921 | |
National Sales and International Sales | 6076395139 – 300 2161531 | – |
Purchases | 6076381921 | |
Accounting | 6076381921 | |
Human Resources | 6076381921 | |
Dispatch Information | 6076381921 | |
Petitions, complaints and claims | 6076381921 | |
Dirección Industrias LAVCO SAS: Km. 4 Autopista Floridablanca – Piedecuesta (Bucaramanga, Colombia)
Treatment of personal data protection
In accordance with Law 1581 of 2012 for the handling of personal data, we inform you that your email address, the personal data that you include in this form, as well as those that may be provided in the future, will be integrated into a file owned by LAVCO. whose purpose is to manage the sending of information. You authorize that your data can be preserved without being blocked, to enable a business relationship and to keep you informed about products and services of this company that may be of interest. This information will NOT be transferred to third parties. You will have the right to access, rectify or cancel your data by contacting LAVCO by email stating your requirement to be managed.